

With an 'always a student' mindset, I’m a product designer and a UX consultant who believes that while frameworks like IXD, HCI, and Lean offer guidance, every design challenge is unique.
"Design is what works" ->"Design is what helps users" -> "Design is what brings business"

For me, UX design isn't a defined process. It's a task where we define your own process - every, single, time. Sometimes, we won't have ideal use cases or a dedicated research team. We might have to create our own product requirements documents and advocate for users myself.

"Follow the principles, but don't be bounded by them" - Bruce Lee



"Wishing you the best of luck in your next chapter Himanshu. We've lost a very deep, critical thinker, but we'll treasure the learnings and thought provoking inputs you brought to the
team every day. Stay in touch".

- Dave Elwood - Account Product Design lead @HSBC"

"Himanshu was part of my team at HSBC. He’s an incredibly passionate designer with an interest to continuously improve himself. He’s always full of ideas and very willing to share this with others."

- Carrie Huang, Product Design Director (LEGO)

"I worked with Himanshu for multiple projects at Michelin and he never failed to impress me. He's an exceptional Product designer and is at the top of his in UX UI knowledge. I've never met a designer before who seriously researched on typography to take his work to next level."

Abhik Mondal - Product Manager (British Petroleum)

"Thank you so incredibly much for taking the time to analyze our onboarding on both web and mobile! I can't agree more with you that we need to give the web app some love. I just realized with your analysis that the experience is quite different, and that it needs a lot of work. We'll have a closer look with our product team and see how we can incorporate your feedback to improve Hevy's onboarding! Again, thank you so much for this effort!



Aligning Teams for Effective User Onboarding Success
Creating a UX Playbook for Onboarding Users to Your Product
The Psychology Behind Progress Bars
7 psychological principles of design